Moving House
I have lived in a remarkable12 houses which is an astonishinglyhigh number for someone who is in their twenties! The experiencecan be a vaguelyenjoyable one - it’s exciting and offers the opportunity to go through all your old things. However, it’s also quite stressful having to packeverything up.
The first placeI lived in was a flat in Hampstead but I don’t remember it as we moved outwhen I was 9 months old. The first house I really remember was on Court Lane, and it had a very long and narrowgarden. I had a fantastic 5th birthday there where my dad drew life-sizeprincesses and dwarves. After that, I recollectliving on Dekker Road where there was a real community spiritand one of the few places I lived where there were neighbours my age.
At Woodhall Drive, I played a lot of Swingball and bonded with our neighbours’ dog Locky. The funniest thing that happened there was when our Frisbeegot stuckon the roof so I climbed upand got it down using a broom. My mum wasn’t very happy when she got home tothat scene!
Remarkable (adjective)
Worthy of attention
Astonishingly (adverb)
In a way that is very surprising
Experience (noun)
An event or something which leaves an impression. For example, the competition was a scary experience for me
Vaguely (adverb)
In a way that is uncertain, or another meaning is ‘slightly’
To pack up (phrasal verb)
To gather belongings and put them in a suitcase or boxes
Place (noun)
A particular location or area
To move out (phrasal verb)
To leave one’s current accommodation and live somewhere else
Narrow (adjective)
The opposite of wide! The garden was about 50 metres by 10 metres
Life-size (adjective)
The same size as the person or thing that it represents
Dwarf (noun)
In fantasy literature, such as Snow White and the Seven Dwarves, a dwarf is a mythical, short creature.This is also a medical condition, when someone is affected by dwarfism.
To recollect (verb)
To remember something
Community spirit (noun)
A feeling of involvement in one’s community
Swingball (noun)
A game played by two people using two bats and a ball is hung by a cord from a post in the middle. It’s also called tetherball
To bond (verb)
To establish a relationship with someone
Frisbee (noun)
A plastic disc which is used as an outdoor game
Stuck (adjective)
To be unable to move or set in a particular place
To climb up (phrasal verb)
To go upwards
Broom (noun)
A long-handled brush
To get home to (idiom)
To return to one’s home and the people and things that are there